Lucky Frame

Some luv for Pugs Luv Beats

Category : Pugs Luv Beats · by December 30, 2011

We’ve gotten some pretty great feedback on Pugs Luv Beats so far…here are a few samples!

The Next Web calls us “The Strangest Game on iOS” and says:

Pugs Luv Beats, created by Lucky Frame, is one of the weirdest iOS games I’ve ever encountered. But despite my confusion, I keep coming back for more. The interactive soundtrack goes hand in hand with the gameplay, and the bird’s-eye perspective feels very fresh. With this is mind, I actually recommend it.

Slide to Play has some nice things to say too:

Pugs Luv Beats is a unique, adorable, and music-infused game…The building soundtrack as you gather more beats makes Pugs Luv Beats a mesmerizing experience.

Meanwhile, Brian at Scottish Games declares us “2011’s most adorable – and best sounding game…We defy you not to gurgle with joy.”

For those geeks amongst you, there is an in-depth look at the audio engine in Pugs Luv Beats at Create Digital Music which mentions “some seriously addictive gameplay and adorable pugs”.

Finally, the people buying the game seem to like it too! Our average rating is hovering around 4.6 stars, and people have left some really nice comments…

Great to see a game that uses sound in this way – most original game on the iPod I’ve played in ages. Its very addictive once you get to grips with the game play. If you fancy something different and not another boring rehash I highly recommend these cute little critters. Congrats to Lucky Frame – great work folks. (Katatype, UK)

Fantastically cute game, very well made. (djdigitalfx, UK)

The pugs are so adorable, rocking out to their beats! (pinkpanthro, UK)

I have to admit, this game is super fun and a little addicting. It starts off a little slow but eventually collecting more beats and unlocking more planets is awesome! Plus the pugs are cute and hilarious, especially when you make one sing along in the planet menu. (bboyhavoc, USA)

Happy New Year to everyone, we’ll have some new musical pug treats for you soon!

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